Sunday 11 June 2023

JUNE 2023 : DAY 11 : SARDINIA : Cagliari

A good (half) night’s sleep at the Hotel Soleado on the coast at Alghero.
A taxi collected us at 5.30am and drove us 35kms to Sassari, where the main train station is.
A three hour trip in a clean, modern train. I was able to organise tickets on line easily.

Paola, our guide from the ToursbyLocals  network met us at the station in the middle of the port city. She is highly organised and has a fascinating week organised for us.

A perfect touring day today with a car drive around the city stopping at various points.
Significant churches, memorials, Roman archeological sites (only recently excavated), salt pans ( now a flamingo bird sanctuary). We had a swim at a popular beach - refreshing as 30+ today.

Flamingoes live and breed permanently on the salt pans and do not migrate to Africa as they did 30 years ago.

Stories of slain Christian martyrs, gladiators, starved lions, shipwrecks and miracles.

After our busy morning we had lunch in a restaurant outside our hotel.
Eggplant and Parmesan (delicioso), grilled skewered eel and grilled sea bream.

An evening stroll around the area near our hotel. We are staying in the blue section on the map off Via Roma.

The main news today is that the past Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Bernasconi, has died at 86. Such a character in Italian politics, plagued by scandal but a larger than life personality. A gift to the cosmetic surgery industry!
Sombre tributes with fitting music flashed on to the TV screen intermittently during programs.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful if not tiring adventure. Cagliari looks beautiful.