Wednesday 21 September 2022

SEPTEMBER 2022 : SPAIN : Mallorca : Palma

Excellent breakfast provided by hotel. €8 pp
Quite an international bunch staying in the 30 rooms here.

We booked a boat/swim trip with a local company this morning. 3 hours on a mild calm morning.
Only 8 participants - a friendly group.

Leaving the port at 10am. Maxi yachts, high rise and castles in the hills.

We went west first hugging the coastline looking at luxury homes, including the summer
palace of the King of Spain (centre) and popular beaches.
Then across the bay and along the eastern coast back to Palma.

There were several opportunities to swim. Water was warm and crystal clear.
Interesting coast line - reminiscent of the rocky cliffs of Crete and it’s warm waters.

Returning to port

Lunch in another family restaurant near the port and our hotel. Enthusiastic wife/husband chef team. €18 - 3 course menu. And a complimentary Mallorcan/ Navarre liqueur - palito. Then a siesta!

Thought I might put an offer on one of these apartments.

Evening paseo

Possible storm

Yet another little plaza near the port for a light tapas meal

This time next week we’ll be in France about to embark on another walk. Meanwhile enjoying  playing tourists…


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