Thursday 25 April 2013

DAY 12: NEPAL : Shyala (3500m) - Samagaon (3520m) - 3 hour walk

 Today we walked from Shyala to Samagaon on crystal clear day (we didn't take the route via the Gonpa)

Today was definitely a highlight!

The magical sight when we awoke this morning.

An early morning mule train, heavily laden with supplies from southern towns.

Glenis tentatively crossing a wooden bridge covered in ice and snow.

Porters en route to Samagaon.

A local school, founded with Japanese sponsorship, with yaks grazing in the playground.

Satish suggested we call in on our way.  Children greeted us with much excitement. This was a typical classroom - notice the school bags donated by their Japanese sponsors.

They sang us some songs in English and then Mark and I taught them another one.

They were writing English and Nepalese alphabets out in their notebooks. Interesting that in this remote area English is seen as such a priority, where Tibetan is spoken as much as Nepalese.

Then we set off on our way with locals to the large town of Samagaon.

The huge 'mani' (inscribed stone tablet wall) and prayer wheels at the entry to Samagaon.

A family group in a communal courtyard winding wool for weaving.

A yak with newborn calf.

Unusual colour in a town full of bleak stone houses.

Our tea house for the evening. Snow had set in and camping spaces in the town have become rare . The buildings are constructed of stone without rendering and awkwardly laid floors - sometimes it is warmer outside (or in our tents as the wind just blows through the walls).

Satish arranged for us to have our meals in the dining area but prepared by Khem as his top concern is hygiene. It was interesting meeting some of the other trekkers - Russian, American and Germans.

Outside some ponies waited in the snow.

1 comment:

Nick and Wendy said...

Hi Meg & Mark

Very impressed at the wonderful journey you are on - well off the typical tourist track! Love the classroom scene - learning without an iPad (or classroom heating) in sight - as it should be! Best wishes for another interesting day...