Thursday 5 September 2019

SEPTEMBER 2019 : JAPAN : DAY 3 : Kyoto - Magome - O- Tsumago

Early breakfast at the hotel with my urchin/fish scrambled eggs. We had very modest sized helpings but we were fascinated to see Japanese guests piled several plates high with various salads, pastries and savoury dishes. Mainly protein.

Our challenge this morning was to catch the catch the Metro, bullet train (and change) and bus to our destination. Oku has pre- bought our tickets, so our mission was to get everywhere on time. We were a little overwhelmed in Kyoto at rush hour but we had plenty of time and we checked with guards and information staff along the way. Our notes recommended going through the staffed turnstiles, so that they would check that our tickets were correct.

After only two and half hours we were at our destination in Magome, 810m above sea level and the 43rd post town on the Nakasendo Trail, which was a trading route in the late Edo period. Our first view was of brilliantly coloured rice paddies.
Immediately we started up a cobble-stoned road through the main town.

Beautiful views of the valley as we ascended

After about an hour we stopped at a roadside cafe, recommended by our guide book as Mark was keen to try the horse sashimi on the menu. It was a very friendly place and the owner spoke enough English for a pleasant interchange.

More gorgeous coloured creatures and flowers

There are several rest stations at regular intervals along the trail with immaculate toilets. Excellent support for travellers. It was very hot and humid today 32oC with some light showers. There were a lot of walkers as this section is a popular day walk.

Even a restroom in this man’s garden.

Bells to warn off bears every few hundred metres. No sights yet.

Very upright cedar and bamboo forests with good paths. We had to be mindful of slippery stones. Water, water, water - clean and cooling.

Tonight we are in the small hamlet of O- Tsumago, after our 7 km walk. Our inn is Maruya, an historic building about 230 years old.

Our very comfortable room upstairs.

One size fits all.

Dinner at 6. It was meticulously laid with some new tastes to experience.

It was raining this evening so we didn’t venture out into the little village in our robes but here is a poster, showing the lantern - lit street.

Day 1. A success. I think I’ll be wearing the same gear every day, as it is easy to dry clothes in this heat. We are fully provided for at night even with toothbrushes, so we could be travelling lighter. We have forwarded most of our luggage to our hotel in Tokyo, through a very efficient company via our Kyoto hotel ($30) It is too hot for our wet weather gear, so our pack covers and an umbrella will serve us nicely. It was very pleasant walking with lots of interesting shrines and natural wonders to distract us from the heat. The accommodation is wonderful. And wifi!


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