Friday 15 March 2019

MARCH 2019 : NORTHERN NSW : A trip to Armidale : 840 kms

A car trip to visit friends in Armidale, NSW. 
An 11 hour drive via Mudgee through very dry, drought-ridden countryside.

We set off early on an unexplored route - Canberra /Goulburn / Oberon / Mudgee - having lunch at the excellent Alby & Esther’s Cafe on Market Street. Mudgee was like an oasis in the parched landscape.

The last section of the trip was a further five hours.

This section had large areas devoted to open cut coal mines. There were occasional crops on the Liverpool Plains - wheat, barley and cotton. This over-sized vehicle was carrying a bucket or scoop for the Ulan Coal Mine.

Armidale - another oasis town - green and full of life.

We visited the local art gallery. There is a permanent exhibition of Australian works from the 1920s -1940s, donated by an avid collector, Howard Hinton.

We also enjoyed another exhibition of Christine Porter’s works, centred around the theme of shearing sheds.

Inspired by the exhibition we took a tourist drive to look at the actual Deeargee shearing shed. This shed was originally built in 1872.

Nearby in a neighbouring property we found the  picturesque Gostwyck Chapel, built in 1921.

We then returned to our friend’s property, welcomed by their alpacas, Priscilla, Harrison, Mariette and Matilda.

Such a happy day with Jenny, Pete, my goddaughter, Sophie, and her little boy, Ollie.


1 comment:

Guidawn said...

What a wonderful post Meg. Love the sheds, the sheep....
And baby Ollie to hold too!!!